Painting & functional and contemporary ceramic art

What if Icarus had a sister? | 2019 | clay, glaze, lustre, ceramic art
What if Icarus had a sister? | 2019 | clay, glaze, lustre, ceramic art
I merge my love of literature, history, and design into my various art practices. I have transitioned my studio practice into creating and running Stone Manor Studios, a creative centre for art experiences of all kinds. Every Canada Day weekend I participate in the Rideau Lakes Studio Tour.
"Imagination does not become great until human beings, given the courage and the strength, use it to create!" ~ Maria Montessori
I am self-taught and a workshop-trained ceramic artist and painter. I moved to Newboro, Ontario, in 2021 into a dream: an 1860s manor house in the heart of Rideau Lakes, where I opened Stone Manor Studios in a carriage house on the property. Here, is where I realize my dream of creating a space where people can gather, connect, create, and reset. will provide art experiences in my stone carriage house. I will continue to work on my own art practice while facilitating opportunities for teachers and creatives to engage with the arts.
Owner and Creative Director of Stone Manor Studios
Volunteer Communications Coordinator with the Ottawa Guild of Potters
Mentorship with Susan Low-Beer, Toronto, ON, through Fusion: The Clay and Glass Association
Director, Outreach and Communications for POPULACE, a Canada 150 project for the Ottawa Guild of Potters. 9000 clay sculptures were installed on the grounds of the Canadian Museum of Nature
Director. Director of Outreach and Communications for COMPASS, an installation of 4000 clay sculptures on the grounds of the Canadian Geographical Historical Society
Nomination for Emerging Artist for the Premier's Award for Excellence in the Arts
Solo Show Dust Evans Gallery in Ottawa called Thred/s based on work relating to the outrage for kidnappings in Chibok
Winner Best in Show for Chibok 276 at the Ottawa Guild of Potters Annual Exhibition
Winner Craft Ontario Award at the Ottawa Guild of Potters' Annual Exhibition
As I was born and raised on the Canadian prairies, my aesthetic is often informed by my early experiences relating to the landscape and the psychological dualities that it throws into relief. I am interested in community and social issues and my studio ceramics practice features a mix of functional and sculptural work with larger community-based projects and initiatives. I received a MA in English literature in 1995 and a MA in Canadian studies in 1999 where I completed a thesis on public art. In 2019 I went back to school to study education and received a Bachelor of Education in 2021. My love of education, history, and language resonates in my work. By looking back into history and mythologies both written and told, I believe we can highlight many of our present entanglements and continue to find ways to advance ourselves and improve the planet. I am interested in the links between ancient and contemporary struggles for women's rights and find ways in my art to express issues relating to women and girls and the ways in which education is central to human development. My ceramic artwork often explores the ways women are contained and yet find opportunities for self and social expression and escape. Perhaps it is the power of the imagination combined with theoretical reinvestigations of the past that create new answers to old problems in our world today.
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Interested in ceramic retreats and workshops at the site of a historic manor home located in the heart of Rideau Lakes? Visit Stone Manor Studios!
Kim Lulashnyk Studio Pottery
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